Preview of Preseason Game Kansas City Chiefs vs Pittsburgh Steelers

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Kansas City Chiefs Rookie Scouting report:


#72 Eric Fisher: 6’7 306, Central Michigan

1st round 1st pick, Position- Tackle

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Will take the                                          – Hand placement needs to

defensive lineman                                     get better.

momentum out of play.                          – Will get too high at times.

+ Athletic and can get                                 Struggles to get low and

to the second level and                              drive a lineman back.

square up the linebacker.                       – Did get hurt early in his

+ No quit and does not                               career… it signs to

give up on a block.                                       come?


What to Watch for:

  1. Can he stay on the field???
  2. How was his hand placement???
  3. Was he able to handle the pass rush???



Knile Davis: 5’10 227, #34, Arkansas

3rd round 96th pick, Position- Running Back

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Very useful out of the                          – Too much stutter steps and

backfield and can catch                            indecisive when he runs the ball.

the football.                                             – Not very smooth in switching

+ Special kick returner.                             football into the other side.

Another weapon you

can add on special teams.


What to Watch for:

  1. Did he step up as the #2 back???
  2. Was he able to catch the ball out of the back field??
  3. Did he have any fumbles in the game???



Nice Johnson: 6’2 248, #57, Alabama

4th round 99th pick, Position- Linebacker

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Nice job to communicate                    – Covers too much grass when

to his defense and put them                     he is in zone coverage.

in the right position.                               –  Needs to work on picking

+ A very sure tackler.                                  up his knees and staying

+ Does a good job in man                     – Takes poor angles on tackles.

to man coverage on a RB.


What to Watch for:

  1. Was he the leader of the defense like in college???
  2. How was he in coverage???
  3. Did he rack up a lot of tackles???



Pittsburgh Steelers Rookie Scouting Report:


#95 Jarvis Jones: 6’2 245, Georgia

1st round 17th pick, Position- Outside Linebacker

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Good motor. Plays                               – Seems to go for the pass rush,

until the whistle is                                     no matter what down it is. Does

blown.                                                          not maintain in run support.

+ Takes on blocks. Does                        – Weak in pass coverage.

not wait for the block to                       – Does not play the double team

come to him.                                              well and gets pushed back to

+ Very aggressive. Will fly                        the second level.

all over the field to make

a play.


What to Watch for:

  1. Did he create a pass rush against the 1st round pick???
  2. How many turnovers did he create in the game??
  3. Was he on 1st team defense???



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#11 Markus Wheaton: 5’11 182, Oregon State

3rd round 79th pick, Position- Wide Receiver

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Disguises his job                                    – Weak in jump ball situations.

so well, that a DB                                        Doesn’t high point the ball.

can not read anything                              – Lets the ball come into his

off of him.                                                     body and not his hands.

+ Coaches have taught                             – Work with his coaches on

him well on the sideline                             his route running.

drill.                                                              – Struggles to get past bump

+ Shows good effort in his                           man coverage.

blocking. Does not quit on

any play even if he doesn’t

get the ball.


What to Watch for:

  1. Did he have a connection with the quarterback???
  2. How much punt return yards did he have???
  3. Can he play well against press man coverage???


Preview of preseason game Kansas City Chiefs vs San Francisco 49ers


Kansas City Chiefs Rookie Scouting report:


Eric Fisher: 6’7 306, #72, Central Michigan

1st round 1st pick, Position- Tackle

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Will take the                                          – Hand placement needs to

defensive lineman                                     get better.

momentum out of play.                       – Will get too high at times.

+ Athletic and can get                               Struggles to get low and

to the second level and                            drive a lineman back.

square up the linebacker.                       – Did get hurt early in his

+ No quit and does not                               career… it signs to

give up on a block.                                       come?


Travis Kelce: 6’5 255, #87, Cincinnati

3rd round 63rd pick, Position- Tight End

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Able to be an                                          – Was not able to be a factor.

effective pass blocker.                                Does not make the tough play.


Knile Davis: 5’10 227, #34, Arkansas

3rd round 96th pick, Position- Running Back

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Very useful out of the                          – Too much stutter steps and

backfield and can catch                            indecisive when he runs the ball.

the football.                                             – Not very smooth in switching

+ Special kick returner.                             football into the other side.

Another weapon you

can add on special teams.




Nice Johnson: 6’2 248, #57, Alabama

4th round 99th pick, Position- Linebacker

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Nice job to communicate                    – Covers too much grass when

to his defense and put them                     he is in zone coverage.

in the right position.                               –  Needs to work on picking

+ A very sure tackler.                                  up his knees and staying

+ Does a good job in man                     – Takes poor angles on tackles.

to man coverage on a RB.


San Francisco 49ers Rookie Scouting Report:

Eric Reid

Eric Reid: 6’1 213, #35, LSU

1st round 18th pick, Position- Safety

Strength:                                 Needs Improvement:

+ Knows how to break on                                     – Takes bad angles so he

the ball.                                                                      will miss out on tackles

+ If he is part of a gang tackle                             – Does not have good football

then he will rip the ball out.                                   IQ and will get himself beat.

+ Really knows how to set                                   – Doesn’t wrap up, Always going

the edge.                                                                  for the big hit.

What to Watch for:

  1. Did he play strong safety or free      safety
  2. Can he cover the Tight end in the      game
  3. Does he fill the shoes of Ghoston      or is he overwhelmed


Vance McDonald: 6’4 267, #89, Rice

2nd round 55th pick, Position- Tight End

Strength:                                                      Needs Improvement:

+ Able to sustain his block                                 – Too many body catches

throughout the play.                                             and dropped passes

+ Strong lower body let him                             – A little slow out of his break

break many tackles                                             and defense can key on it.

+ Got some toughness in                                 – Hands tend to slip outside

him and likes to go hit                                        of the pads.

What to Watch for:

  1. How many times does he drop the ball???
  2. Was he able to get open with his route running???
  3. Can he sustain his block in the NFL???


Quinton Patton: 6’0 204, #11, Louisiana Tech

4th round 128th pick, Position- Wide Receiver

Strength:                                 Needs Improvement:

+ Amazing in the open field.                               – Did play in offense that

Can make a small play into a                               is very simple and no route

big one.                                                                        progression.

+ Has great hands. Catches                                – Got to add some bulk so

everything that comes his way.                           he can absorb some contact.

+ Can win any one on one battles.                   – His blocking has to get better

He is great for a guy his size.                                 if he wants to help the run.

What to Watch for:

  1. Crabtree is hurt, can he step up???
  2. Where do the 49ers play him, slot or flank???
  3. Was he asked to return kicks???

Preview to the Preseason game “Kansas City Chiefs vs New Orleans Saints”


Kansas City Chiefs


Eric Fisher: 6’7 306, Central Michigan

1st round 1st pick, Position- Tackle

Strength:                                                     Needs Improvement:

+ Very smooth hips which                   – Needs to get lower at times

allows him to pull and get                     Must get his butt down so he

to the second level.                                can get lower.

+ Great in pass protection.                 – Will go for the knock out block

College team was the lowest                 sometimes and will miss.

in allowing sacks.                                 – Needs to work with his coaches

+ Quick off the snap and                      on his hook block.

always ready.

What to Watch for:

  • Do the Chiefs play him in different areas of the Offensive line
  • Was he able to pull out in the screen game
  • Can he stay under control the whole game


Travis Kelce: 6’5 255, Cincinnati

3rd round 63rd pick, Position- Tight End

Strength:                                                     Needs Improvement:

+ Strong upper body and                     – Work with his coaches on

will not get knocked off his                    his footwork in route

route.                                                         running.

+ Good footwork when he                  – Stops his feet when he is

is blocking and stays in front                blocking.

of the defender.                                   – Need to watch game tape

+ For a big guy, he is elusive and        and understand zone d

can make people miss.

What to Watch for:

  • Was he able to get the ball in the open field
  • Did he improve on his blocking
  • Is he understanding all of his assignments


Knile Davis: 5’10 227, Arkansas

3rd round 96th pick, Position- Running Back

Strength:                                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Good pass catcher out                            – Injury prone

of the backfield.                                          – Has to take care of the football

+ Strong lower body and is                         better. Too many fumbles

able to rack up YAC.                                    – Bounce to outside rather than

+ Sets up his blocks well by                         take what the defense gives you

flowing the defense one

direction and cutting back.

What to Watch for:

  • Did he run in between the tackles
  • Can he protect the quarterback on 3rd down
  • Did he have any fumbles in the game


New Orleans Saints


Kenny Vaccaro: 6’0 214, Texas

1st round 15th pick, Position- Safety

Strength:                                               Needs Improvement:

+ His play recognition is                  – Will leave his feet to

the best part of his game.                 to make a tackle.

+ High motor. He is all over           – Miss times his jump

the field.                                             and makes him weak

+ Does a nice job covering              against jump balls.

a slot receiver.                                 – Gets way too high when

                                                             he tackles.

What to Watch for:

  • Does he play all over the field like Troy Polamalu
  • How well did he cover a slot WR
  • How many times does Rob Ryan blitz him


Terron Armstead: 6’5 306, Arkansas Pine-Bluff

3rd round 75th pick, Position- Tackle

Strength:                                                        Needs Improvement:

+ Such a strong upper body,                  – Base will get too wide

he is able to throw a pass                        and can not create a

rusher down.                                              push in run block.

+ His footwork in pass                            – Has trouble squaring

protection is amazing!                              up the linebacker at

+ Was hurt throughout the                      the second level.

season and pre draft work                     – Will get too high at

out but toughen it out.                              times, Need to keep

that butt low.

What to Watch for:

  • Do the Saints use his athletic abilities
  • Did he get better in run blocking
  • Can he step up to tougher opponents


John Jenkins: 6’4 346, Georgia

3rd round 88th pick, Position- Defensive Tackle

Strength:                                                             Needs Improvement:

+ He is a stonewall.                           – Got to take on cut blocks better

Can not move him                            – Need to use leverage better. Can

from his spot.                                      get too high at times and can’t any

+ Stays in his gap,                               push.

will not fall for the                             – Weak motor. Hot and cold in effort

window dressing.                                on the field.

+ For as big as he is,

can get skinny and

shoot the gap.