Preview of Preseason game Jacksonville Jaguars vs Philadelphia Eagles


Jacksonville Jaguars Rookie Scouting Report:


Luke Joeckel

#76 Luke Joeckel: 6’6 306, Texas A&M

1st round 2nd pick, Position- Tackle

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Takes quick short steps.                      – When he gets pushed back

Never out of position.                                 then learn how to reanchor.

+ He is so fundamental in                        – His first step needs to attack

all his movements and stays                      instead of going backwards.

so low.                                                         – Needs to work on his run

+ Understands when a blitz is                     blocking. Can’t drive anyone

coming and take the inside guy.                 back.


What to Watch for:

  1. Can he stay in the game without getting hurt???
  2. Does he protect the backside???
  3. In goal line situations, does he create a push???

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#37 Johnathan Cyprien: 6’0 217, Florida International

2nd round 33rd pick, Position- Safety

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Great ball skills. Can                              – Got to do a better job at

really go up and get the                             breaking down the ball

ball.                                                                 carrier and make a tackle.

+ Does a good job of reading                   – Too much diving at the feet

the quarterback eyes and                           instead of going through for

reacting to it.                                                 the tackle.

+ The best coverage safety

in the 2013 NFL Draft.

+ Amazing job of using his

hands to shed the block and

making a play.


What to Watch for:

  1. Does he improve after a poor preseason???
  2. How well does he tackle in this game???
  3. Is he a leader for his secondary???


Dwayne Gratz, Cecil Shorts

#27 Dwayne Gratz: 5’11 201, Connecticut

3rd round 64th pick, Position- Cornerback

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Fluid hips so he is                                  – Gives too much cushion in

able to turn his body                                   zone coverage.

quickly.                                                       – Slow to break on the ball.

+ Good in run support.                             – Way out of control when

Very sound tackler.                                       he is taking on blocks.

+ Shed blocking skills are

way above average for a


+ Has great size and speed to

cover #1 or #2 and TE as well.


What to Watch for:

  1. Can he earn a starting job???
  2. Was he able to stay with a speedy receiver???
  3. How well does he do in zone coverage???



Philadelphia Eagles Rookie Scouting Report:

NFL: Philadelphia Eagles-OTA

#65 Lane Johnson: 6’6 306, Oklahoma

1st round 3rd pick, Position- Tackle

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Very athletic and                    – His footwork cause him

can get to the second                  problems with the inside

level quickly.                                 move.

+ Maintains his block                – Stops his feet in pass

throughout the play.                   protection and gets

+ Can collapse the                        himself in trouble.

defense and cause

them to be mush



What to Watch for:

  1. Can he keep being a dominate tackle???
  2. Did he pull out on the screen game???
  3. How did he handle the speed rushers???


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#86 Zach Ertz: 6’5 249, Stanford

2nd round 35th pick, Position- Tight End

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Soft hands and                                   – Has to work on blocking at the

catches anything                                     the second level.

that comes his way.                               – Got to work on high pointing

+ Great field awareness                           the ball.

and zone understanding.                      – His base will get too wide

+ Best route runner in the                        and cause him to miss blocks.

2013 NFL Draft.


What to Watch for:

  1. Was he used as an H-Back???
  2. Did he get more targets???
  3. Did he play the whole first half???


Preview of Preseason game New York Jets vs New York Giants


New York Jets Rookie Scouting Report:


 Sheldon Richardson

#91 Sheldon Richardson: 6’3 294, Missouri

1st round 13th pick, Position- Defensive Tackle

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Takes on the one                                   – Gets drove back in goal line

on one blocks well.                                      situations.

+ Very quick off the                                 – Pass rush specialist but weak

ball.                                                                  against the run.

+Makes a lot of plays                              – Very weak play recognition.

in the backfield. Create                          – Needs to use his hands more

tackle for loss.                                             to get the Oline off of him.

+ Has a great motor will

chase down plays.

What to Watch for:

  1. Does he keep up his momentum in the preseason???
  2. How effective was he in run defense???
  3. How much work did he get in the game???


#7 Geno Smith: 6’3 221, West Virginia

2nd round 39th pick, Position- Quarterback

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Has great feet. Always                           – Stares down his targer. Got

keeps them moving to his                           to work on eye discipline.

target.                                                           – Work on his route tree. Moving

+ Amazing touch on the                                to his 1st, 2nd and 3rd read.

ball and can drop it in.                               – Weak in pocket awareness.

+ Team down 31 points                                 Understand when to step up.

and he is still pushing his                            – Struggles in bad weather.


What to Watch for:

  1. Was he able to roll out of the pocket???
  2. How did he look? Did he have a limp???
  3. Does he win the starting quarterback job???



#67 Brian Winters: 6’4 320, Kent State

3rd round 72nd pick, Position- Guard

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Amazing job at not                                – A little slow off the snap and

giving away the screen                               be beat from time to time.

or draw plays.                                           – Slide step is a little to high

+ Has such a powerful                                and slow.

punch and hits his guy                             – Tight at the hips and have

in the chest.                                                  problems to turn his body.

+ Strong upper body and                        – Head will be down and

creates many pancake blocks.                  cause him to get out of

+ Perfect for the zone blocking                 control.

scheme.                                                          – Cut blocking needs some

+ Legs never stop moving.                           work.

Always driving them.

What to Watch for:

  1. Can he handle the NFL defense???
  2. Did he create holes in the running game???
  3. Was he on first team offense???

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New York Giants Rookie Scouting Report:


#72 Justin Pugh: 6’4 301, Syracuse

1st round 19th pick, Position- Guard

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Keeps a good solid                                – Very weak at the second level.

base. Never is off balance.                        Can’t square up the linebacker.

+ Fantastic in goal line plays.                  – Hands tend to slip outside the

Stays low and drives the                             defender so could be called for

defender back.                                                holding.

+ Good football IQ. Understands            – Not very athletic so has trouble

blitzes and when to switch.                        going out for screen passes.

What to Watch for:

  1. Did he improve on his last preseason game?
  2. Was he on the field with first team offense???
  3. Where did they play him on the offensive line???


 NFL: New York Giants-Rookie Minicamp

#74 Johnathan Hankins: 6’2 320, Ohio State

2nd round 49th pick, Position- Defensive Tackle

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Causes trouble for the                          – Too high at times and will be

double team. Does not                               on his tippy toes. Can’t create

allow them to push him                              much push.

back.                                                                – Slow off the snap. Got to get

+ Uses leverage really well                           lower in his stance to shoot

and causes problems for                              out.

the lineman.                                                – On the ground too much. Must

+ Punches his man right into                        pick up his knees.

the chest and puts them

on their heels.

What to Watch for:

  1. Can he continue his good preseason???
  2. Does he stuff the running attack???
  3. How much did he play in the game???


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#79 Damontre Moore: 6’5 250, Texas A&M

3rd round 81st pick, Position- Defensive End

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Stays upright when he                          – Tackling skills are below

gets cut blocked                                           average. Breaking down

+ Really uses leverage                                  the ball carrier needs

well and makes up for                                  some work.

the lack of strength.                                   – Must stay parallel to the

+ High motor, will go                                     line of scrimmage when

sideline to sideline and                                 moving to the sidelines.

make a tackle.                                              – Giants coaching will teach

+ Amazing job at using his                              him on getting his hands

hands and keeping the block                        in the passing lane.

off of him.

What to Watch for:

  1. Does it look like his shoulder is hurting him???
  2. Did he create pressure like he did in the 2nd preseason game?
  3. Was able to make another play on special teams?




Preview of Preseason game Cleveland Browns vs Indianapolis Colts


Cleveland Browns Rookie Scouting Report:


#51 Barkevious Mingo: 6’4 241, LSU

1st round 6th pick, Position- Defensive End

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ More effective as                                  – Needs to attack the block at

a stand up lineman                                      the point of attack.

then in a 3 point stance.                         – His motor will be hot and cold

+ For a guy his size, he                                from time to time.

made a lot of plays on                            – Will get too high at times and

special team.                                               is not at a ready position to

+ Uses his hands really                              tackle.

well when he is creating                       – Needs to get his hands up in

a pass rush.                                                the passing lane.

+ Keeps outside leverage                      – Got to take on double team

against the run.                                         better.


 Garrett Gilkey

#65 Garrett Gilkey: 6’6 318, Chadron State

7th round 227th pick, Position – Guard

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Disguises the screen                              – His blitz pick up needs some

play really well so D can                             work. Have to take the inside

not key on it.                                                guy.

+ His double team blocking                    – Tight in the hips which cause

is good fundamentally and                       him to struggle at pulling.

gets to the second level.                         – Hand placement has to be

+ Squares up his block at                           better. Too much grabbing

the second level nicely.                              outside the pads.

Able to block a linebacker.

+ Knows how to finish off

his block.

+ Shuffles his feet well

and can sustain his block.

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Indianapolis Colts Rookie Scouting Report:

#92 Bjoern Werner: 6’3 266, Florida State

1st round 24th pick, Position- Defensive End

Strength:                                 Needs Improvement:

+ Has an unbelievable                             – Will get high and stop his

motor. Reminds me of                               feet.

a Jared Allen.                                           – Work on his hands so he

+ 4 point stance is so                                  get off from blockers

low and explodes out.                             – Not very athletic and

+ Great football recognition.                     won’t “wow” you with

Reads a play and stops it.                          combine numbers.

What to Watch for:

  1. How much does he IMPACT the run defense???
  2. Did he play much in the game????
  3. He finish the game healthy???


#69 Hugh Thornton: 6’3 320, Illinois

3rd round 86th pick, Position- Guard

Strength:                                 Needs Improvement:

+ Quick, short steps                                  – Struggles to reanchor and

make him able to react                             and reload his hips.

well.                                                            – His stance is flawed. Way

+ Great at pulling and                                 too high.

getting to the second                              – Weak at the tackle because

level.                                                             of a slow kickslide.

+ Hook block is nice.

Able to get outside

leverage on his block.

What to Watch for:

  1. Where did he play? Tackle or Guard
  2. Did he win one on one battles with a defensive line
  3. In goal line situations, was able to get a push

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#37 Kerwynn Williams: 5’8 198, Utah State

7th round 230th pick, Position- Running Back

Strength:                                 Needs Improvement:

+ Follows his block and                        – Must disguise the screen play

takes what the defense                             a little better so the defense

gives him.                                                 can key in on it.

+ Does not go down after                     – Got to do a better job of

first hit. Keeps driving his                      blocking to stay in for 3

legs and gets extra yards.                        downs.

What to Watch for:

  1. Did he get more carries with only 3 running backs on the team???
  2. How much did he Impact the return game?
  3. Was he good in pass protection on 3rd down???


 Justice Cunningham

#86 Justice Cunningham: 6’3 258, Michigan State

7th round 254th pick, Position- Tight end

Strength:                                 Needs Improvement:

+ Really good in pass                            – Has to work on being a lead

blocking and can play                              blocker and blocking at the

on 3rd down to protect                               second level.

the quarterback.

+ Soft hands and catches

a lot passes that come his


+ Was on the field a lot

but doesn’t seem to wear


What to Watch for:

  1. With Fleener struggling….does he take advantage of it???
  2. Was he a target in the run zone???
  3. Is he in on running plays???

Preview of Preseason game Buffalo Bills vs Washington


Buffalo Bills


#10 Robert Woods: 6’0 201, USC

2nd round 41st pick, Position- Wide Receiver

Strength:                                  Needs Improvement:

+ Biggest strength is in                          – Blocking skills are below average.

his crossing or shallow                             Needs to show better effort.

routes.                                                         – Seems to lose his cool on the

+ Playmaking skills are                             field and will get into fights

really good. He can do                            – Not the best at securing the

a lot in the open field.                            football. Too many fumbles.

+ Not afraid to go over                            – Has some work to do on the

the middle and take a                                fundamentals on punt return.


+ Good situational aware

ness and knows when to

get out of bounds in 2 min


What to Watch for:

  1. Where do the Bills play him? At slot or flank???
  2. How many screen plays do they run for him???
  3. Was he effective in the red zone???


#50 Kiko Alonso: 6’3 238, Oregon

2nd round 46th pick, Position- Linebacker

Strength:                                                  Needs Improvement:

+ A Troy Polamalu at the                  – Takes poor angles on tackles.

linebacker position.                            – Head will be down at times

+ He is lighting off the snap               and cause him to whiff at

and gets into the backfield.                tackles.

+ A playmaker on defense.                – Got to put himself in better

Creates turnovers, fumbles,                 position when he tackles

interceptions and sacks.                  – Bites way too hard on play

+ Gets physical with the                    action and gets out of position.

tight end at the line of                     – Can’t turn his back on the QB

scrimmage.                                          when he is in coverage.

+ Takes on blocks really

well and able to stop the

run game.

+ Useful in blitz package

and gets pressure on QB.


What to Watch for:

  1. How much better is his tackling skills???
  2. Did he make an impact on special teams???
  3. How many times was he in the backfield???

NFL: Preseason-Buffalo Bills at Indianapolis Colts

#88 Marquise Goodwin: 5’9 177, Texas

3rd round 78th pick, Position- Wide Receiver

Strength:                                  Needs Improvement:

+ His double move will                     – Lacks ball skills. Can’t seem to

break ankles and DB’s                         locate the ball and play it.

have no chance to recover.            – Catches the ball with his body

+ Useful on special teams.                   and not his hands.

Olympic type speed.                         – Gets knocked off his route if

+ Light feet, is able to tip                    you get physical with him.

toe the sideline and gain                  – A little loose with the ball.

extra yards.                                            –  Must hold the football, high

+ Will follow his blockers                      and tight.

to create a big run.

What to Watch for:

  1. Did he make any big plays on special teams????
  2. Where did the coaching staff play him???
  3. Was he on 1st team offense???




#39 David Amerson: 6’1 194, North Carolina State

2nd round 51st pick, Position- Cornerback

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Good route understanding                  – Afraid to take a hit and allows

so he can break on them and                    big runs to happen.

make a play.                                                  – Bites too hard on a double

+ Knows how to use his hands                  move and is not able to

in pass defense.                                               recover.

+ His best skill, is reading the                 – When the ball is in the air,

receiver and reacting to his                        then he must turn his head

movement.                                                      and play the ball.

+ Does not get called for pass




#86 Jordan Reed: 6’3 225, Florida

3rd round 85th pick, Position- Tight End

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Long arms and big hands                      – Was not very big in the red

allow him to snatch the ball                       zone as you would like. Does

out of the air.                                                   not come up with the football.

+ Does a nice job of disguising                 – Poor blocker. He will be a liability

run or pass so the defense can’t                in the running game.

key in on his assignment.                          – Must come back for the pass

+ Elusive for a tight end. Has                       instead of waiting for it.

the speed not many have.

Preview of Preseason game Oakland Raiders vs Chicago Bears


Oakland Raiders Rookie Scouting Report:


#25 D.J. Hayden: 5’11 191, Houston

1st round 12th pick, Position- Cornerback

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Wow! Shows some hustle,                  – Needs to work on his tackling

running back was running for                  skills.

a touchdown and he chased                  – Can he stay healthy? Lost most

him from behind.                                        of last year and was hurt during

+ Does a great job of reading                   training camp.

the receiver and playing off

of them.

+ Sheds his block really well.

+ Good speed to stay with a

receiver in a crossing or shallow



#71 Menelik Watson: 6’5 310, Florida State

2nd round 42nd pick, Position- Tackle

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Does a nice job of                              – Weak kick slide. Has to improve

sustaining his blocks.                              to handle speed rushers.

Always staying in front                        – Slow footed off the snap and gets

of his man.                                                beat inside quite a bit.

+ Would be good in the                       – Hands will get caught outside the

zone blocking scheme.                             pads.

He is very good as a run


+ Has a very smooth slide

step. Athletic and moves

side to side really well.


#55 Sio Moore: 6’1 245, UCONN

3rd round 66th pick, Position- Defensive End

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Does a good job if he                             – Head will be down at times

doesn’t create a pass                                   and cause him to be late.

rush then get his hands                            – Has to work with his coaches

in the passing lane.                                       on using his hands more.

+ Takes on his blocks and                         – Struggles to stay squared and

can be effective against the                       makes him off balance.


+ Reads the quarterback eyes

in zone coverage, making him

react quickly.

+ Always maintain outside leverage

and prevents big runs.

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#19 Brice Butler: 6’3 205, San Diego State

7th round 209th pick, Position- Wide Receiver

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Will be down field and                         – In a scramble drill, you can’t

blocking for the running                            retreat back but come back

game.                                                            for the quarterback.

+ When he gets the ball in                     – Does a little too much celebration

open field and makes some                     when he does a little thing.


+ Can make catches with a

defender draped all over him.


Chicago Bears Rookie Scouting Report:


#75 Kyle Long: 6’6 313, Oregon

1st round 20th pick, Position – Guard

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Always keeps inside                           – Gets too wide of a base and

leverage as guard so                                can’t move his feet.

no one can get an easy                         – Hand placement has to get

pass rush.                                                   better if wants to be effective.

+ Great pulling guard and

unloads on the linebacker

at the second level.

+ Athletic and can get to

linebackers really quick off

the snap.



#57 Jon Bostic: 6’1 245, Florida

2nd round 50th pick, Position – Linebacker

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Good play recognition                          – Fails in his trail technique and

and gets into the backfield.                      can’t recover on plays.

+ Had a great interception                     – Lacks some size and unable to

and returned it for a TD.                           to take on blocks.

+ Plays the quarterback                          – Bites too hard on the play

eyes well and makes a                               action and gets out of

play on the ball.                                          position.

Gives way too much

cushion in zone coverage.



#60 Khaseem Green: 6’1 241, Rutgers

4th round 117th pick, Position – Linebacker

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Good latterel quick                           – Must maintain outside

ness and can move                                leverage against the run.

sideline to sideline really                   – Very slow to react in zone

well.                                                          coverage

+ Sound tackler. Makes                     – Covers too much grass in

sure he wraps up.                                 coverage.



#67 Jordan Mills: 6’5 316, Louisiana Tech

5th round 163rd pick, Position – Tackle

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Blocks off the inside                            – Has to learn how to reload his

move well.                                                   and not get driven back.

+ His pass blocking is                             – Football IQ is lacking and does

the biggest strength.                               not understand blitz pick up.

His down blocking needs some

work. Not been able to colappas

the defense.

Preview of Preseason game Seattle Seahawks vs Green Bay Packers


Seattle Seahawks Rookie Scouting Report:


#33 Christine Michael: 510 220, Texas A&M

2nd round 62nd pick, Position- Running Back

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Worked with his                         – Seems a little tentative when

position coach on                            running the football.

pass blocking skills                       – Work on making his play action

and it shows up on                         more believeable so the defense

the tape.                                             can bite on it.

+ Always driving his                      – Must hold the ball on the right

legs after contact and                     side when running the ball.

lowers the boom.

+ One cut and goes.

+ Stays low throughout

the run.



#97 Jordan Hill: 6’1 303, Penn State

3rd round 87th pick, Position- Defensive Tackle

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Explodes off the snap                 – Can not put his hands in the

and gets into the back                      blocker face. Must punch into

field.                                                         the chest.

+ Does not get pushed                  – Gets out of control and lose

back or lose his gap                           site of the ball.

responsibility.                                    – If he can’t get pressure on

+ Sheds a block like the                      quarterback then get his

best of them.                                          hands in the passing lane.

+ Keeps his feet moving                   – Tackling skills are less then

and creates push up the                     to be desired.



Green Bay Packers Rookie Scouting Report:


#27 Eddie Lacy: 5’11 230, Alabama

2nd round 61st pick, Position- Running Back

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Never stops chopping his                    – Sometimes can be careless

legs and will get extra yards.                     with the football. Must hold

+ Great understanding of the                    it high and tight.

blocking scheme and how to                  – Can be a little heavy on the

make an effective run.                                  spin move.

+ Would be best utilized in                      – Not very effective in the passing

goal to go or short yardage                       game.

situations.                                                     – Has to have a running start to

+ Stays low throughout his                        be effective. Can’t stop and go.




#69 David Bakhiari: 6’4 300, Colorado

4th round 109th pick, Position- Tackle

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Understands his assignment               – Struggles to hook block and

in blitz pickup and takes the                     get outside leverage against

inside guy.                                                        the defender

+ Quick short steps allow him               – Not as athletic to square up

to adjust to what the defender               his block at the second level.

does.                                                              – His run blocking needs some

+ Knows how to finish off his                    work to help his team.

blocks and get them down.                   – Stops his feet at times and

+ His longs arms allow him to                   can’t drive is block back.

be effective as a pass blocker.



#33 Micah Hyde: 6’0 197, Iowa

5th round 159th pick, Position- Cornerback

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Very good tackler. Will                          – Fails in his trail technique and

wrap up the ball carrier                             struggles staying with a receiver

to prevent broken tackles                         on a crossing pattern.

and big plays.                                             – Must work on playing the ball

+ Nice job of breaking on                            and the receiver in the red zone.

the ball and making a play.                    – Shed the blocks better to stop the

+ Always keeps outside                               run.

leverage against the run.

Preview of Preseason game Carolina Panthers vs Baltimore Ravens


Carolina Panthers Rookie Scouting Report:


Star Lotulelei: 6’2 311, #96, Utah

1st round 14th pick, Position – Defensive Tackle

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Stands up his lineman              – Head will be down and cause

and causes them to be                   him to be out of control.

on their heels.                                – Has to pick up his knees, is

+ His 3 point stance is so                on the ground too much.

low and explodes off the            – Not the best at creating any

snap.                                                    pass rush on the quarterback.


Carolina Panthers Rookie Camp

Kawann Short: 6’3 299, #68, Purdue

2nd round 44th pick, Position – Defensive Tackle

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Uses his hands a lot                 – Will get too high at times

to fight off the blocker                  and can not create a push.

and gives him a chance              – Needs to get his hands into

to make a play.                                 the passing lane to disturb

+ Great hustle. Will                          the quarterback.

chase down any play

from behind.


A.J. Klein: 6’1 250, #56, Iowa State

5th round 148th pick, Position – Linebacker

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Takes on the block                              – Lacks that speed to recover

and sheds it really well.                           on any mistake.

+ Not afraid to go out                            – Short arms give him trouble

and hit. Loves the contact.                     on separation with the D line.

+ Has an unbelievable motor               – Struggles to create pressure

and will play at the end of the                on the edge.

whistle.                                                      – Can’t turn your back to the

+ Great football awareness                     quarterback when you are

and knows where he is                             in coverage

suppose to be.


Baltimore Ravens Rookie Scouting Report:


Matt Elam: 5’10 208, #26, Florida

1st round 32nd pick, Position- Safety

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Does a nice job                             – Has to be more prepare before

in making an impact                         the snap.

on special teams.                           – Targets the head too much and

+ Can play in the box                      may get flagged.

and lay a hit into some                – Head will be down at times and

one.                                                       will whiff on tackles.

+ Good job of breaking                – Lacks the size you want in a

down the ball carrier and              safety.

making a tackle.

+ He is a leader of the D

and will play til the

whistle is blown.


Brandon Williams: 6’1 335, #98, Missouri Southern State

3rd round 94th pick, Position- Defensive Tackle

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Does a nice job of                                 – Needs to stay upright and

staying parrale to the                                take on cut blocks better.

line of scrimmage and                            – Must keep his legs driving

doesn’t chase a play                                  when he makes contact

from behind.                                               with a blocker.

+ Effective in goal to

go situations because

he puts up a wall

against the O line.

+ Uses his hands really

well and sheds a block.

Preview of preseason game New England Patriots vs Detroit Lions

new england

New England Patriots Rookie Scouting:

Jamie Collins

Jamie Collins: 6’3 250, #91, Southern Mississippi

2nd round 52 pick, Position- Defensive End

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Understands how to take on blocks          – Got to work on taking on the

and making sure the blocker doesn’t              double team better. Looking

get to the second level.                                   for the football instead of

+ If he doesn’t get a pass rush then he            maintaining his gap.

gets his hands up and deflect passes.           – Weakness is in coverage

+ Unbelievable motor. Never quits on            and covers too much grass.

the play.                                                        – Has to stay at home and don’t

+ He has worked with his coaches on his        fall for the window dressing.

hands and you can tell because he is never

Velcro to a lineman.

+ Such a strong upper body, he tosses bigger

offensive linemen like they are a rag doll.

+ Really sets the edge well and does not allow

the big run on the outside.

What to Watch for:

  1. Does he create any pass rush???
  2. Was he asked to play into coverage???
  3. How much of the game did he play???


Aaron Dobson: 6’3 210, #17, Marshall

2nd round 59th pick, Position- Wide Receiver

Strength:                                 Needs Improvement:

+ Very aggressive in his                              – Work on catching the ball with his

blocking so he can be                                      hands instead of his body.

effective in the run game.                            – Needs to understand where the ball is

+ His long arms allow him                             going to be and run to that spot instead of

to catch the ball away from                           looking at the ball the whole time, slowing

his body.                                                        himself down.

+ Strides are long so it allows                    – Coaches need to work with him on route

him to get down the field fast.                       running footwork. He is taking the wrong

+ Can high point the best with                        steps to break out of his route.

the best of them.                                          – Sits and waits for the ball to come to him

+ Able to blow the top of the                       intead of going to the ball.

defense like Randy Moss.

What to Watch for:

  1. Was a deep pass thrown to him???
  2. Did he have any drops???
  3. Was he on 1st team offense???


Logan Ryan: 5’11 191, #26, Rutgers

3rd round 83rd pick, Position- Cornerback

Strength:                                 Needs Improvement:

+ Sound tackler. Goes through               – Will face guard at times. He

the ball carrier like he is suppose              must be able to stay on the

to.                                                                          receiver but also turn his

+ Always keeps outside leverage,                body and play the ball.

preventing the big plays happening.       – Have to take on blocks better

+ Smooth in the hips so he is able to         if he wants to help in run support.

move quick and with ease. No torque     – Weak in man to man especially

in his movement.                                                 press man.

+ Not afraid to hit for a corner. Plays

like a linebacker at times.

What to Watch for:

  1.   How much did he help in run support???
  2.  Did he continue to play on 1st team defense???
  3.  Which did they primarily play??? Man or Zone???


Detroit Lions Rookie Scouting Report:

VG Ezekiel Ansah 1

Ziggy Ansah: 6’5 271, #94, BYU

1st round 5th pick, Position- Defensive End

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Explodes off the snap           – Must use his hands more

and puts the lineman on           to get a blocker off of him.

their heels.                                – Needs to stay low through

+ Does not get pushed               out the play.

back and holds strong            – Gets worn out late in the

against the run.                          game. Has to be in better

+ Will get his hands in the        condition.

passing lane if he doesn’t       – Too much ball watching

get pressure on the QB.             instead of playing his

+ Just good football                    man.



bilde (1)

Darius Slay: 6’0 192, #30, Mississippi State

2nd round 36th pick, Position- Cornerback

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Has elite speed                       – Fly opens his hips and

so he can stay with                      causes him to be in a

any receiver either                      bad position.

flanked or slot.                           – Must shed his block

+ Takes on cut blocks                    better if he wants to

very well. Stays upright.               help out against the run.

+ Shadows the receiver             – Has to be more physical

really well. Able to match            in cover 2.

them step for step.


NFL: Detroit Lions-Training Camp

Larry Warford: 6’3 332, #75, Kentucky

3rd round 65th pick, Position- Guard

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Can really reanchor                – Footwork has to improve

and prevent the lineman             in his pass protection.

to push him back.                       – Struggles to understand

+ Has a great punch                       blitz pick up.

and hits the D lineman              – Problems squaring up

in the chest.                                   the linebacker at second

+ Hides his assignment                level.

in the screen game well.

Preview of Preseason Game Pittsburgh Steelers vs Washington


Pittsburgh Steelers


#95 Jarvis Jones: 6’2 245, Georgia

1st round 17th pick, Position- Outside Linebacker

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Good motor. Plays                               – Seems to go for the pass rush,

until the whistle is                                     no matter what down it is. Does

blown.                                                          not maintain in run support.

+ Takes on blocks. Does                        – Weak in pass coverage.

not wait for the block to                       – Does not play the double team

come to him.                                              well and gets pushed back to

+ Very aggressive. Will fly                        the second level.

all over the field to make

a play.


What to Watch for:

  1. Can he create pressure on the quarterback???
  2. How was he in run defense???
  3. Was he on 1st team defense???



 Le'Veon Bell

#26 Le’Veon Bell: 6’1 244, Michigan State

2nd round 48th pick, Position- Running Back

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Able to get big runs                               – Doesn’t have a second gear

because he follows his                                so he can’t break away.

blockers.                                                     – Will go for the home run

+ He was the leader in                                 play instead of taking what

Yards After Contact (YAC)                            the defense gives him.

So strong in his legs and                            – Has to get lower to be

can break arm tackles.                                 an effective pass blocker.

+ Soft hands and can catch

any pass you throw to him.

+ Even facing an 8 man box,

he was still able to run the

ball successfully.


What to Watch for:

  1. Does it look like the knee injury is bothering him???
  2. Did he prove to be the #1 running back on the team???
  3. Was he used in the passing game???



#11 Markus Wheaton: 5’11 182, Oregon State

3rd round 79th pick, Position- Wide Receiver

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Disguises his job                                    – Weak in jump ball situations.

so well, that a DB                                        Doesn’t high point the ball.

can not read anything                              – Lets the ball come into his

off of him.                                                     body and not his hands.

+ Coaches have taught                             – Work with his coaches on

him well on the sideline                             his route running.

drill.                                                              – Struggles to get past bump

+ Shows good effort in his                           man coverage.

blocking. Does not quit on

any play even if he doesn’t

get the ball.


What to Watch for:

  1. Does he help Big Ben in the passing game???
  2. How much did he play in the game???
  3. Did he drop any passes???




David Amerson

#39 David Amerson: 6’1 194, North Carolina State

2nd round 51st pick, Position- Cornerback

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Good route understanding                  – Afraid to take a hit and allows

so he can break on them and                    big runs to happen.

make a play.                                               – Bites too hard on a double

+ Knows how to use his hands                    move and is not able to

in pass defense.                                             recover.

+ His best skill, is reading the                  – When the ball is in the air,

receiver and reacting to his                        then he must turn his head

movement.                                                     and play the ball.

+ Does not get called for pass



What to Watch for:

  1. Did he play on first team defense???
  2. Which defense did they play….man or zone???
  3. How many pass deflections did he have???


Jordan Reed


#86 Jordan Reed: 6’3 225, Florida

3rd round 85th pick, Position- Tight End

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Long arms and big hands                      – Was not very big in the red

allow him to snatch the ball                       zone as you would like. Does

out of the air.                                                   not come up with the football.

+ Does a nice job of disguising                 – Poor blocker. He will be a liability

run or pass so the defense can’t                in the running game.

key in on his assignment.                          – Must come back for the pass

+ Elusive for a tight end. Has                       instead of waiting for it.

the speed not many have.


What to Watch for:

  1. Was he a target in the red zone??
  2. How was his blocking in the game???
  3. Was he on first team offense???

Preview of Preseason game Indianapolis Colts vs New York Giants


Indianapolis Colts Rookie Scouting Report:


#92 Bjoern Werner: 6’3 266, Florida State

1st round 24th pick, Position- Defensive End

Strength:                                 Needs Improvement:

+ Has an unbelievable                             – Will get high and stop his

motor. Reminds me of                               feet.

a Jared Allen.                                           – Work on his hands so he

+ 4 point stance is so                                  get off from blockers

low and explodes out.                             – Not very athletic and

+ Great football recognition.                     won’t “wow” you with

Reads a play and stops it.                          combine numbers.

What to Watch for:

  1. Does he transition well to a OLB and standing up
  2. Was he able to get pressure on the quarterback
  3. Did he get his hands in the passing lane


#69 Hugh Thornton: 6’3 320, Illinois

3rd round 86th pick, Position- Guard

Strength:                                 Needs Improvement:

+ Quick, short steps                                  – Struggles to reanchor and

make him able to react                             and reload his hips.

well.                                                            – His stance is flawed. Way

+ Great at pulling and                                 too high.

getting to the second                              – Weak at the tackle because

level.                                                             of a slow kickslide.

+ Hook block is nice.

Able to get outside

leverage on his block.

What to Watch for:

  1. Where did he play? Tackle or Guard
  2. Did he win one on one battles with a defensive line
  3. In goal line situations, was able to get a push


New York Giants Rookie Scouting Report:


#72 Justin Pugh: 6’4 301, Syracuse

1st round 19th pick, Position- Guard

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Keeps a good solid                                – Very weak at the second level.

base. Never is off balance.                        Can’t square up the linebacker.

+ Fantastic in goal line plays.                  – Hands tend to slip outside the

Stays low and drives the                             defender so could be called for

defender back.                                              holding.

+ Good football IQ. Understands            – Not very athletic so has trouble

blitzes and when to switch.                        going out for screen passes.


NFL: New York Giants-Rookie Minicamp

#74 Johnathan Hankins: 6’2 320, Ohio State

2nd round 49th pick, Position- Defensive Tackle

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Causes trouble for the                          – Too high at times and will be

double team. Does not                               on his tippy toes. Can’t create

allow them to push him                              much push.

back.                                                             – Slow off the snap. Got to get

+ Uses leverage really well                           lower in his stance to shoot

and causes problems for                               out.

the lineman.                                                – On the ground too much. Must

+ Punches his man right into                        pick up his knees.

the chest and puts them

on their heels.



#79 Damontre Moore: 6’5 250, Texas A

3rd round 81st pick, Position- Defensive End

Strength:                                          Needs Improvement:

+ Stays upright when he                          – Tackling skills are below

gets cut blocked                                           average. Breaking down

+ Really uses leverage                                  the ball carrier needs

well and makes up for                                  some work.

the lack of strength.                                   – Must stay parallel to the

+ High motor, will go                                     line of scrimmage when

sideline to sideline and                                 moving to the sidelines.

make a tackle.                                              – Giants coaching will teach

+ Amazing job at using his                              him on getting his hands

hands and keeping the block                          in the passing lane.

off of him.