3rd round in the 2013 NFL Draft #83rd to #97th picks

New England Patriots #83rd pick


Logan Ryan

Position: Cornerback

Height: 5’11 Weight: 191 Arms: 31 3/8 Hands: 9 5/8 40 time: 4.56


+ Sound tackler. Goes through the ball carrier like he is supposed to.

+ Always keeps outside leverage, preventing the big plays from happening.

+ Smooth in the hips so he is able to move with ease and quick. There is no torque in his movement.

+ Biggest strength is in zone defense. Does a great job at reading the quarterback eyes.

+ Not afraid to hit for a corner. Plays like a linebacker sometimes.

Needs Improvement:

– Will face guard at times. He must be able to stay on the receiver but also turn his head and play the ball.

– Have to take on blocks better if he wants to help in run support.

– Lacks the ball skills to get more interceptions.

– Weak in man to man especially press man. Seems to lack the size or strength to play the receivers physical.

– Got to do a better job at hiding his blitz assignment to the offense.

– Unable to cover a crossing or shallow routes because he does not have the speed to stay with a receiver.

– Too aggressive in zero coverage defense. Need to play a little safer to prevent big plays.


This is a beginning of many Rutgers players becoming Patriots. It looks like they didn’t even try to scout any other team games. “Hey! Just go to New Jersey and that is who we are going to draft.” Logan is not great at anything but good in many areas. The thing you must love about him, he is very consistent. You know what you are going to get every time he is on the field. I can see him playing nickle corner and a lot on special teams. The one thing he got going for him, he won’t have problems fitting in with his teammates since he already knows them.

Cincinnati Bengals #84th pick


Shawn Williams

Position: Cornerback

Height: 6’0 Weight: 213 Arms: 30 3/4 Hands: 8 3/8 40 time: 4.46


+ A vocal leader for his defense. He will rally your team together.

+ High intensity player. Will chase down any play, no matter where it is at.

+ Takes on blocks really well. Hits the block before the point of attack.

+ Drives his legs through his tackles. Won’t allow the ball carrier run him over.

+ Takes good angles on tackles and always keeps outside leverage.

Needs Improvement:

– Will break on the receiver but won’t play the ball at all.

– Bites too hard on play actions so plays will happen behind him.

– His head will get down at times when he makes a tackle which makes him whiff.

– Focus will not be there all the time so he will be out of position.

– Has a temper on the field and will lose it at times.

– Very weak in coverage and can only be used in the box.

– Struggles to move in and out of breaks. Unable to move sideline to sideline with good speed.

– Will target at times and will get flagged in the NFL.


“We’re playing too soft as a defense. That goes for the D-line, linebackers, corners, safeties, everybody. We’re just not playing with the same attitude we were last year. I don’t know what it is.”

After Shawn Williams gave that statement, his team won out and got into the SEC Championship game. (which they loss to National Champion Alabama) Now that is a leader, asking your defense to step it up. You need that sometimes in your locker room. Williams is not the perfect player on the field because he has many weakness in coverage. His biggest strength is when he is in the box and challenging the running game. Where he really excel in the NFL is on special teams. I would not be surprise if he is the leading tackler on special teams for the Bengals this year. Does he have a chance to be a starting safety??? I doubt it.

Washington #85th pick


Jordan Reed

Position: Tight End

Height: 6’2 Weight: 236 Arms: 33 Hands: 10 40 time: 4.76


+ Long arms and big hands allow him to snatch the ball out of the air.

+ Does a nice job of disguising run or pass so the defense can not key on his assignment.

+ Rarely lets the ball into his body so he doesn’t drop many footballs.

+ Elusive for a tight end. Has the speed that not many have in this game.

Needs Improvement:

– Was not very big in the red zone as you would like. Does not come up with the football in the jump ball situations.

– Poor blocker. He will be a liability in the running game. Stops his feet when he makes contact with the defender which doesn’t allow him to stay in front.

– Must come back for the football instead of standing there and waiting for it. Help your quarterback out.

– If he is blocking either pass or run, he must do better job with hand placement. Put your hands right into the chest of the defender.

– Base will get too wide at times when he goes on his route and he is unable to break out quickly.

– Ball protection needs to get better. Football must be tucked in high and tight.


Jordan Reed was perfect for the system when he was recruited for at Florida. In a spread system under Urban Meyer but things have changed at Florida since he stepped foot on campus. When they brought in a running system then you could see all the flaws in Reed’s game. Weak in the blocking game and not the best at route running. He is very lean, long and has big hands but you can see how defenders can get physical with him and cause him problems. Now he might be in a good fit in Washington since they run a zone blocking scheme and don’t need a physical blocker. It will be interesting to see if he flourish in this system.

Indianapolis Colts #86th pick


Hugh Thornton

Position: Guard

Height: 6’3 Weight: 320 Arms: 34 1/8 Hands: 10


+ Flexible and athletic for someone his size.

+ Quick, short steps. Makes him able to react really well.

+ Hands are always on his assignment.

+ Great at pulling and hitting at the second level.

+ Hook block is really good. Able to get outside leverage on his block.

Needs Improvement:

– Stops his feet when he makes contact with the defender which limits him to be able to drive his block back.

– Struggles to reanchor and reloading his hips.

– Was played all over the offensive line this last year. Never was able to be consistent at one position.

– Tight in the hips so he struggles in turning his body and getting up field.

– Not the best at the tackle position. His kick slide is a little slow and speed rush could give him trouble.

– His stance is flawed. Too high and needs to get lower.


Indianapolis Colts are 23rd in the league with sacks allowed. If you have a franchise quarterback like Andrew Luck then you must protect him. Hugh Thornton is an upgrade but is he an upgrade to make them much better??? Not right now but if he continue to work and improve. He will at least make them the middle of the pack in sacks allowed. Must work on getting his footwork better and his stance. If they keep him at the guard position then he can really help them in the future.

Seattle Seahawks #87th pick


Jordan Hill

Position: Defensive Tackle

Height: 6’1 Weight: 303 Arms: 33 1/2 Hands: 10 1/4


+ Amazing job at shedding his block and going to make a tackle

+ 3 point stance is sound technique wise. He gets real low and explodes off the ball.

+ Hands are always moving which allows him to keep seperation form his blockers

+ Can get skinny between blockers and shoot the gap.

+ Takes on cut blocks really well. Will not get put on the ground.

+ Has a killer swim move. Baffles many offensive lineman.

Needs Improvement:

– Too much focus on looking for the football instead of maintaining his gap.

– Must take on double team better. Can not let the double team push him back into the second level.

– Need to use the bull rush more to create a push up the middle.

– Improve on stunt plays. Right now he makes the stunt play ineffective for him and his teammates.


Nice pick for the Seahawks. Just added some depth to an already stellar defense. Hill will be a great addition to add to their rotation in the defensive line. Does a nice job of shedding his block and making a tackle. He is great in run support. Still has to work on creating more of pass rush but has a chance to learn from the best in Seattle. Jordan Hill will help them make an even bigger push to the Super Bowl and many years after that.

San Francisco 49ers #88th pick


Corey Lemonier

Position: Defensive End

Height: 6’3 Weight: 255 Arms: 34 1/2 Hands: 10 1/8 40 time: 4.60


+ Relentless hands. Always keeps his hands moving which makes him able to be a nightmare for offensive lineman.

+ Coaches taught him well on strip sacks and he executes it on the field.

+ If he doesn’t sack, he is always creating pressure or getting his hands in the passing lane.

+ Such a strong upper body, that he can throw a O lineman like Luke Joekle down.

+ Great get off the snap. Really explodes out of his stance which makes his speed rush so deadly.

Needs Improvement:

– Gets too high and gets knocked around like a pin ball.

– Has to take on cut blocks better so he doesn’t get taken out of the play.

– Stops his feet when he is being blocked which doesn’t allow him any leverage.

– Must work on keeping outside leverage to prevent big runs on the outside.

– Very poor against the double team. Looking up for the ball, causes him to get pushed back into the second level.

– His motor is a little disappointing at times. Tends to quit on the plays that are far away from him.

– A liability in run defense. Has that Dwight Freeney attitude with the pass rush, all the time.


Like the 49ers need to improve on their, already #1 defense in the NFL. They just added another pass rusher to their team which they needed with the Justin Smith injury. The reason Lemonier fell this far, is because he is just a 3rd down player. He can not stay on the field because he is awful in run defense. It’s just pass rush all the time and teams can take advantage of that. Maybe working with the San Francisco coaching staff will help him in that department. Right now, he has to improve a lot of things to become a premier pass rusher in the NFL.

Houston Texans 89th pick


Brennan Williams

Position: Offensive Tackle

Height: 6’6 Weight: 318 Arms: 34 Hands: 10 1/2


+ Great downhill blocker. Nice job of collapsing the defense.

+ Disguises the screen or draw game really well so defense can not recognize it.

+ Hands are always on the pass rusher. Never lets them out of his grasp.

+ Quick choppy feet. Always moving so he can adjust to the defense.

+ Creates so many pancake blocks with his strong upper body and taking advantage of the pass rushers momentum.

Needs Improvement:

– Major problems against the bull rush and gets pushed back to the quarterback. Needs to work on reanchoring and creating some leverage.

– Poor hand placement. Hands will slip outside of the shoulder pads.

– Struggles in pass protection. Not the best in staying in front of his pass rushers.

– Has some issues squaring up the linebackers at the second level.

– Slide step is a little slow and has problems with speed rushers.


Interesting pick here. If you watch tape of Williams, you can see times of dominate and then, other times he looks like he shouldn’t even be on the football field. His technique is so all over the place which causes him to be inconsistent. With the Texans running a zone blocking scheme, they really don’t draft lineman high. Maybe their thought was, “He has the strength and size….we can teach him the rest” They might be looking to mold Brennan into the player they want. We will have to see if it pays off.

Denver Broncos #90th pick


Kayvon Webster

Position: Corner Back

Height: 5’10 Weight: 195 Arms: 32 1/2 Hands: 8 1/2


+ Takes on blocks in the screen game really well. Will not let the block take him out of the play.

+ Does a nice job of keeping outside leverage on running plays. Forcing the runner into the teeth of the defense.

+ Good football awareness. Understands when to sit on a route or give a cushion.

Needs Improvement:

– Fails in his trail technique. If he get beat then he has no chance to recover.

– Very poor tackler. Stops his feet when he attempts to make a tackle

– Must work on breaking down the ball carrier better than go make a tackle.

– Unable to be effective in jump ball situations.

– Ball skills are below average. Does not give himself many chances with interceptions.


[Insert any Rahim Moore joke] ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha……….ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Dang, that was funny! Anyways, It is no surprise that the Broncos need to upgrade their secondary. They have an old Champ Bailey and they cost Denver a Super Bowl chance. But is Keyvon Webster that upgrade? At this current moment….no. He has too many problems to be a starter this year. He has a lot of room to grow like in tackling and being more of a nightmare to wide receivers. Does a nice job in zone coverage but you need a player to excel in both, man and zone. In 2013 season, he will help the Denver Broncos in special teams but won’t be much of an impact on defense.

New England Patriots #91st pick


Duron Harmon

Position: Safety

Height: 6’1 Weight: 200


+ Does an amazing job at breaking on the ball. Cuts off the ball before getting to the receiver.

+ Great understanding of route running and under cuts many routes.

+ Above average in man coverage. Nice for a safety.

+ Got better hands than most safeties in this draft.

Needs Improvement:

– Takes poor angles on tackles and will not keep outside leverage to prevent the big plays from happening.

– Has to play the quarterback’s eyes a little better. Would help him play less grass and play better in zone coverage.

– Too aggressive in a play action which causes him to be out of position and get beaten down the field.


It is no secret that the Patriots have problems in the secondary. They were 29th in the league in passing defense. When you have a quarterback like Tom Brady on your team, the expectations are Super Bowl or Bust. You can’t win many games if your defense can not stop a cold or the passing game. Harmon is not the solution but any help is good help right now. He won’t be a starter but will be part of a rotation. He is a smart player and Bill Belchick loves that kind player. Could be a starter next year but has to put in the work before that happens.

St. Louis Rams #92nd pick


Stedman Bailey

Position: Wide Receiver

Height: 5’10 Weight: 193 Arms: 32 3/4 Hands: 9 1/8 40 time: 4.52


+ Was taught well on the sideline drill and you can see it on the tape. Even keeping two feet inbounds in college.

+ Next to Keenan Allen, he has the best hands in the 2013 NFL Draft.

+ Precise route runner. All of his movement in his route running has a purpose which allows him to break out of his route very quick.

+ Understands defense and was asked to run option routes many times. Rarely misreads the defense.

+ Stays on his blocks well for a receiver which helps him stay on the field for more snaps.

+ Tracks the ball in the air to his hands. By doing that, he doesn’t drop many passes.

Needs Improvement:

– Needs to get better at getting physical on the line of scrimmage. Too much shake and bake moves to get off the line of scrimmage.

– Not as elusive in the open field for someone his size.

– Got to do a better job of tucking the ball away. Leaves it out at times.

– When a bad pass is thrown then he must become a defender and prevent that interceptions.

– Struggles in one on one situations. Problems are created when he can’t absorb any contact.


Sooooooooooo New Patriots only draft Rutgers and St. Louis drafts West Virgina????? You know, there are other college teams out there. They were so happy to jump up to get Tavon Austin but also excited that Stedman Bailey fell to them. They believe they should be a contender this year and Sam Bradford has no more excuses. I really liked Bailey because he has amazing hands and is a great route runner. My concern is the college system he was in (which he has no control in) but also worries me, how easy he gets knocked off his route. If you move him all over the field and put him in mismatch situations then he will successful. You just can’t expect him to be lined up and have him try to beat his man in one on one. The Rams offense will be MUCH improve from last year.

Miami Dolphins #93rd pick


Will Davis

Position: Corner Back

Height: 5’11 Weight: 186 Arms: 31 1/2 Hands: 9 40 time: 4.51′


+ Can really get physical with a receiver on the line of scrimmage.

+ Amazing job at shadowing the receiver on the line of scrimmage.

+ Able to keep outside leverage against the run which prevents big runs to the outside happen.

Needs Improvement:

– Very poor tackler, is way too high and makes arm tackles.

– Need to do a better job at playing jump ball situations. Miss times his jump and puts himself in a bad position.

– Weak ball skills and miss out on a lot of interceptions.

– Block shedding skills are below average. Must use his hands to shed the block.

– Not the best in blitz packages. Gives away his assignment too easy.


The Dolphins are the most confusing team in the NFL. They get free agents in the areas of strength but don’t improve on their weakness at all. Like left tackle or secondary???? Make sense??? NO! They will be back in the draft next year looking for both a left tackle and secondary. Will Davis is a nice player. He played very well at a small school but didn’t dominate against lesser competition. He will be a liability because his tackling is weak. He can’t play on special teams if he doesn’t learn how to tackle. If you are a low draft pick then your best chance of making the team, is special teams. He must tackle better or he won’t be in the NFL much longer.

Baltimore Ravens #94th pick


Brandon Williams

Position: Defensive Tackle

Height: 6’1 Weight: 335 Arms: 32 5/8 Hands: 9 3/4


+ Stays low throughout the play. Does not let his pad level get high with keeping his knees bent and head into a blocker chest.

+ Legs never stops driving and even goes harder when he makes contact.

+ Uses leverage well against blockers. Does not let them wall him off.

+ The perfect 3 point stance. Gets low, back is flat and his legs are loaded so he can explode off the ball.

+ Takes on the double team really well. Creates a wall so they can not push him to the second level.

+ High motor! Perfect fit for the Ravens since he never quits on a play.

+ Always focus and ready for the play even with the offense he face stalled and got plays from the sideline.

+ Takes on cut blocks well. Such strong trunks and makes it hard to put him on the ground.

Needs Improvement:

– Struggles with other pass rush moves. His swim moves often takes him out of the play.

– Work on stunts more in the NFL. Understand the reason for that stunt and execute it.

– Lacks football IQ. Read what the offense is trying to do then react to it. If a lineman gives you a free release then understand why.

– Will get out of control at times with a spin more or his head down and causes him to miss out on plays.


This is a great pick! I saw this kid at the Senior Bowl and he did not disappoint. You are always concern when someone played at a small school, that they didn’t play against top competition. He is a great fit at nose tackle and can be in the rotation this year for the defensive line. He is short and stout but uses leverage so well. This is a typical Ozzie Newsom pick and won’t be surprise if Williams will be a major part of their team.

Houston Texans #95th pick

Wade Phillips, Sam Montgomery

Sam Montgomery

Position: Defensive end/ Outside Linebacker

Height: 6’3 Weight: 262 Arms: 33 1/8 Hands: 9 1/4


+ Better in a 4 point stance then in his 3 point stance.

+ Knows how to get around tackles with a speed rush or on an inside move.

+ Gets his hands into the passing lane if he doesn’t create a pass rush.

+ His long arms help him keep separation against the blocker.

Needs Improvement:

– Weak motor, weak effort. Already admitted to taking plays off in his college career.

– Slow off the snap. Allows the blockers to set up and put themselves in position.

– Over aggressive at times. Won’t stay at home or in his gap and allows big plays happen.

– Will line up too far from the line of scrimmage which makes his path longer.

– Awful against the double team. Does too much spin moves and causes him to get driven back.

– A pass rush specialist on 3rd down because he is a liability on first and second down because he doesn’t play the run.

– Feet tends to stop when he is looking for the ball. Keep them moving at all times.

– Wears down late in the game and needs to be part of a rotation to stay fresh.


Sam Montgomery would not even be on my draft board at all. I don’t care if he falls into the 7th round or if he is an undrafted free agent. You don’t quit! When I watched tape of him earlier in the year, I thought he did take off some plays but after he admitted,

“You know, some weeks when we didn’t have to play the harder teams, there were some times when effort was not needed,”

You CAN NOT have that in your locker room. Just not acceptable and kind of disappointing the Texans took him.

Kansas City Chiefs #96th pick


Knile Davis

Position: Running Back

Height: 5’10 Weight: 227 Arms: 29 3/4 Hands: 8 5/8 40 time: 4.37


+ On the Speed Score, Knile Davis was at the top of the list with the score 124.5. Speed score adds your 40 time but also your size.

2013 Speed Scores

Player Weight 40-Yard Dash Speed Score
Knile Davis 227 4.37 124.5
Mike James 223 4.53 105.9
Christine Michael 220 4.54 103.6
Matthew Tucker 221 4.55 103.1
Le’Veon Bell 230 4.60 102.7
Michael Ford 210 4.50 102.4
D.J. Harper 211 4.52 101.1
Johnathan Franklin 205 4.49 100.9
Zac Stacy 216 4.55 100.8

+ Such a strong lower body and is able to rack up YAC

+ Elusive for as big as he is.

+ Sets up his blocks really well by running to the outside and flowing the defense that way then cutting back against the grain.

+ Good pass catcher out of the backfield. Adds something else to the offense and can be on the field for 3 downs.

+ Would be a perfect fit for a team like the Texans, who run a zone blocking scheme.

Needs Improvement:

– Injury prone. Has not been able to stay on the field even in high school.

– Has to take care of the football better. Way too many fumbles.

– Too much stutter steps rather than just one cut and go.

– Shy away from running over or running into a tackler. He is so powerful but does too much juke and jive.

– Bounce on the outside instead of taking what the defense gives him.

– Footwork on counter plays need some improvement. Not hard enough cut so he can get downhill faster.


Back to back nice picks by the two teams. This is the right place for Knile to be. He is a physical beast but he can not stay on the field or hold on to the football. With the Chiefs already have Jamaal Charles and Knile Davis can learn from the best. When Charles came into the NFL, he also had fumbling issues and improved so much since then. Great mentor for Davis. The interesting thing to see if he can stay healthy. That will be remained to be seen.

Tennessee Titans #97th pick


Zaviar Gooden

Height: 6’1 Weight: 234 Arms: 32 1/4 Hands: 10 40 time: 4.47


+ If part of a gang tackle then he stands up the ball carrier and tries to strip the ball out.

+ No quit in him. He will get cut down but will get straight back up and go makes a tackle.

+ Reads the running game so well. Usually gets to the running back before they can get out of the backfield.

+ Takes good angles on tackles and puts himself in the best position.

+ Tackling skills is good. Always wraps up the ball carrier and brings them down.

Needs Improvement:

– Zone coverage defense is below average. Covers way too much grass. Can’t seem to read the quarterbacks eyes and cover his zone at the same time.

– Over pursues running plays which creates a cut back lane for the running back.

– Must improve on taking on blocks better. Gets swallowed up by blockers.

– Not the best in a blitz package. Does not use leverage or get pressure on the quarterback.

– In coverage, struggles to break on the ball because of footwork.

– So aggressive which makes him bite hard on play action and will put him out of position.


What a crowded linebacking core in Tennessee!!!!! They have Akeem Ayers, Brandon McCarthy and Zach Brown. Now they added Zaviar Gooden who could start for any other team in the NFL. They added some more depth to a strong position. Gooden is just one of those “tackling machine”. Does not matter where the play is on the field, he will make a tackle. Good pick up for the Titans. If Zaviar doesn’t start this year, he will be a major boost to the special teams. Such a sound tackler and won’t let anyone out of his grasp.

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